Contract Extensions

Thirdweb's .NET SDK provides a set of useful type-safe extensions for calling smart contracts. These extensions simplify the process of interacting with smart contracts by providing a more intuitive and user-friendly API.


// Without extensions
var receiver = await wallet.GetAddress();
var quantity = BigInteger.One;
var currency = Constants.NATIVE_TOKEN_ADDRESS;
var pricePerToken = BigInteger.Zero;
var allowlistProof = new object[] { new byte[] { }, BigInteger.Zero, BigInteger.Zero, Constants.ADDRESS_ZERO };
var data = new byte[] { };
var receipt = await ThirdwebContract.Write(smartAccount, contract, "claim", 0, receiver, quantity, currency, pricePerToken, allowlistProof, data);
// With extensions
var receipt = await contract.DropERC20_Claim(wallet, receiver, amount);
// Can also do read operations and much more
var balance = await contract.ERC20_BalanceOf("0xOwnerAddress");

Available Contract Extensions

Please refer to the ThirdwebExtensions full reference for a complete list of available contract extensions.